下列8首入圍歌曲你最喜歡那一首呢? 於5月21日 (星期三) 前投選「Pepper Wireless Fido 我最喜愛歌曲」,便有機會贏取SQ18 歌創入場券兩張,及由Pepper Wireless Fido送出最新型號智能手機一部。最高票數的歌曲將獲得「Pepper Wireless Fido 我最喜愛歌曲」殊榮,得獎名單於5月23日舉行的SQ18決賽夜揭盅。
Your vote will determine the winner of the Pepper Wireless Fido People's Choice Award. Everyone who participates in the voting will be entered a lucky draw to win a smart phone, sponsored by Pepper Wireless Fido, and SQ18 admission tickets for two. The song with the highest vote will be announced during the SQ18 finale on May 23, 2014. Deadline for voting: May 21 (Wednesday).